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  • Plugin Author socialcomputing


    Hi Thierry,

    Can you please include the url of the website on which you installed the Just Map It! plugin ?

    We are going to make some investigations on your installation.
    Could you please re-enable the JSON-API and JMI plugins on your wordpress blog ?

    Thank you.

    The same here! I already filled in the form and sent it to you. My url is

    Thanks! Thomas

    Plugin Author socialcomputing


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for your feedback.
    We received your form submission and we are investigating on this issue.

    Plugin Author socialcomputing



    The plugin didn’t work as expected because it couldn’t construct the JSON API root URL properly with your installation. You configured WordPress to have a home URL that is not the same as your main URL (

    You also added a redirection from to preventing access to JSON API from

    We made a fix to get the JSON API root URL from WordPress site url instead of WordPress home URL which seems more appropriate.

    You can download a JMI plugin version with the fix here :

    Can you please test it and confirm that it works for you, so that we make it available for other plugin users ?


    Thank you for the quick reply.

    I tried the new version, but it still doesn’t work for me. Can I leave the API base as is ( in my case or should I change it?

    Regards, Thomas

    Plugin Author socialcomputing


    You can leave the API base default value.

    Can you please open the file named “jmi.php” of Just Map It! plugin through your blog administration section (plugins -> editor menu) and confirm that you have the following value on line 22:

    $this->jsonURL = site_url('/index.php?json=jmi.');


    Yes, I have got the same on line 22:

    $this->jsonURL = site_url('/index.php?json=jmi.');

    (Copied this from my installation)

    Best, Thomas

    Plugin Author socialcomputing



    Then we need more information.
    Can you please paste here the values set for WordPress address and Site address options ? You can find them on the administration section, under Settings -> Global.

    Moreover can you explain how you configured url rewriting for your website ?


    Hi Jonathan,

    I have WordPress adress and Site adress at top level, that is: I have chosen the option “day and name” in permalink settings (is that what you mean by url rewriting?), that is:

    I am using the plugin “Polylang” to split my site into german and english parts. I deactivated it, but that also didn’t solve the problem. In case you want to look at it you can find the plugin page here.

    Thanks for checking this,


    Plugin Author socialcomputing



    We made a fresh install of WordPress with the “Polylang” plugin enabled and it worked out of the box with the Just Map It! plugin. We created 2 languages and several pages and posts and the map was successfully generated and displayed at the bottom of blog posts.

    The only difference I see in your case is that calling JSON Api at your blog root URL does not work. you should be able to access it when JSON API and Just Map It! plugins are both enabled : try for example.

    Can you please post the content of the .htaccess file ?
    Which version of WordPress and of the JSON API and Just Map It! plugins are you using ?


    Hello Jonathan,

    I have 1.07 for JSON API, 2.0.2 for Just Map It! and 3.4.1 for WordPress. This is the content of my .htaccess file:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    # BEGIN Audiobar
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    <FilesMatch "\.(mp3|ogg|oga|flac|wav)">
    	Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    # END Audiobar

    Does it matter that I have several domains on my server, so some kind of “URL rewriting” on the server side (don’t understand much of this, just an idea)?

    Best regards, Thomas

    Plugin Author socialcomputing



    It must be related to URL rewriting somehow. is redirected to with an HTTP 302 code (temporary redirect)

    Do you have access to the blog configuration server side ? (web server configuration files (apache ?))

    Could please also post all activated plugins on you blog with their version ?


    Hi Jonathan,

    I don’t think I can access the blog configuration server side. The webspace is hosted by a big german telecom company ( and I make adjustments via their website. I couldn’t find anything looking like access to configuration files there.

    I have activated the following plugins (latest version each):

    • Artiss YouTube Embed
      Bad Behavior
      CodeMirror for CodeEditor
      Collapsing Categories
      Easy Admin Color Schemes
      Easy FancyBox
      Hide Admin Icons
      JSON API
      Just Map It!
      NextGEN Gallery
      Scroll To Top
      Souncloud is Gold
    • I use a theme called “The Frances Wright”.

      I guess the redirection is done by Polylang, as it organizes URLs into german (/de) and english (/en) (in my case) and automatically directs german users to the german part and others to the english part. I guess that an unknown address will be directed to the homepage instead, but I have no idea how that works. As you tested Polylang on a clean install that shouldn’t be the problem.

      Best, Thomas

    Plugin Author socialcomputing


    Hello Thomas,

    Thanks for all that information, it sure helped.
    I was able to reproduce the issue on a clean install of WordPress 3.4.1 and the latest polylang plugin.
    Playing with the polylang settings lead me to the same situation, experiencing a redirection when calling the JSON API URL.

    A new fix is available for download here:

    Can you please test it and give some feedback ?
    Thank you.


    Hi Jonathan,

    sorry to say that, but it still doesn’t work. (Btw., I think I made this thread explode with my list somehow and don’t know how to fix it, sorry for that.)


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