• Flippingbook :

    In this plugin, I try to modify the position of text on an image, and did not find where this position is situated.
    In List of pages –> Page properties –> Write Text, the text inserted is at top/left of the image.
    I wish to have the text at bottom/center of each image.
    In file function.class.php I’ve found on line 986 :
    function imgWriteText( $imageFile, $text, $style = array('left'=>0, 'top'=>0, 'fontFamily'=>'Helvetica', 'fontSize'=>14, 'color'=>'000000'), $rename = false )
    and in file page.class.php on line 25 :
    function writeText( $text, $style = array('left'=>0, 'top'=>0, 'fontFamily'=>'Helvetica', 'fontSize'=>14, 'color'=>'000000'), $zoom = false )
    but modify ‘left’ and ‘top’ does not change anything.
    Does anybody try this modification or can help me ?
    Many thanks

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