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  • This is coming in v1.1
    You will be able to use shortcodes as described here:

    Thread Starter alexvs


    I see
    and calling calendar by php function instead of shortcode, will be to?

    Because shortcode int’s nor exactly what i needed: i what to integrate ai1ec in post template.

    For example: i have several pages about some teachers and i need display their schedule on their page automatically without adding shotcode in post.

    There are many ways for you to achieve it.
    I will give you the first few that are on my mind:

    • Add category for each teacher and using shortcodes you can display a filtered by category calendar on each teacher’s page
    • If you are a developer, you can adjust the plugin’s code yourself. The starting point is: wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/app/controller/class-ai1ec-app-controller.php line 370, function name route_request
    • We offer paid support for custom modifications here: You can hire us to implement your custom modification

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Hi guys,
    since I see in the roadmap that shortcode support has been moved to milestone 1.2 can I ask to alexvs or to anyone who knows it how to put the calendar in a custom template?

    I tried to declare a jquery selector in the settings page but it doesn’t work with my custom template (where I have several custom queries – could it be for this reason?) while it works like a charm on a blank test page where i put only a single div with the same selector declared.

    Hope you can help me.

    thanks anyway
    keep up the great work!


    Thread Starter alexvs


    Sorry for delay.
    I have solved this task in such way:

    in header.php i call function ‘ai1ec_init();’

    function ai1ec_init() {
    global $ai1ec_settings,
    $ai1ec_events_controller, $calendar;
    $calendar = ob_get_contents();

    this function init ai1ec-calendat: include java-scriptes and save html of calendar to global variable ‘$calendar’

    then in page-template in needed point i call function to show calendar:
    function show_ai1ec($desc=”)
    global $calendar;
    $content .=
    ‘<div id=”ai1ec-container” class=”ai1ec-container ‘.join(‘ ‘,get_init_ai1ec_class()).'”>’
    . “<h3>Рассписание:</h3>”
    . ‘<p class=”schedule_desc”>’ . $desc . ‘</p>’
    . $calendar
    . ‘</div>’;

    echo $content;

    Good luck

    Hi Alexvs,

    thank you so much for your reply.
    I just need some clarification.

    When you say “in header.php i call function ‘ai1ec_init();'” you mean that I need to put

    function ai1ec_init() {
    global $ai1ec_settings,
    $ai1ec_events_controller, $calendar;
    $calendar = ob_get_contents();

    in my function.php? and then call the function with:

    add_action('wp_head', 'ai1ec_init');

    also in my function.php?

    What about:

    function show_ai1ec($desc='') {
    global $calendar;
    $content .=
    '<div id="ai1ec-container" class="ai1ec-container '.join(' ',get_init_ai1ec_class()).'">'
    . "<h3>Рассписание:</h3>"
    . '<p class="schedule_desc">' . $desc . '</p>'
    . $calendar
    . '</div>';
    echo $content; }

    I need to put it in my template file?
    Or I have to put it in the function.php and then call


    in my template file?

    Thank you for your help.
    I really appreciate that!


    Thread Starter alexvs



    Yes, you can call init function in such way. In this case calendar will be init for all pages/posts.

    Yes, put ‘function show_ai1ec(…’ in function.php and call from template

    Good Luck

    Hi Alexvs,

    I’m trying to getting out of this calendar-trouble with your great tips but unfortunately I’m not so lucky!

    I put this

    calendar functions

    in my functions.php

    and then in the template file I call


    When I load the page I get

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_init_ai1ec_class() in /web/htdocs/ on line 1492

    that is the line of my show_ai1ec($desc=”) function.

    Any suggestion?
    I’m making it wrong?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Thread Starter alexvs


    It’s mu custom function, you can try without it:
    function show_ai1ec($desc=”)
    global $calendar;
    $content .=
    ‘<div id=”ai1ec-container” class=”ai1ec-container “>’
    . “<h3>Рассписание:</h3>”
    . ‘<p class=”schedule_desc”>’ . $desc . ‘</p>’
    . $calendar
    . ‘</div>’;

    echo $content;

    or add function
    function get_init_ai1ec_class() {
    global $ai1ec_settings;

    $classes[] = ‘ai1ec-calendar’;
    $action = $_REQUEST[‘action’];
    if( ! in_array( $action, array( ‘ai1ec_month’, ‘ai1ec_agenda’, ‘ai1ec_term_filter’ ) ) )
    $action = ‘ai1ec_’ . $ai1ec_settings->default_calendar_view;
    $action = strtr( $action, ‘_’, ‘-‘ );
    $action = preg_replace( ‘/^ai1ec-/’, ”, $action );

    $classes[] = “ai1ec-action-$action”;
    if( ! $_REQUEST[‘ai1ec_month_offset’] && ! $_REQUEST[‘ai1ec_page_offset’] ) {
    $classes[] = ‘ai1ec-today’;

    return $classes;

    Great Alexvs!

    I’m really close to the end.
    I finally get the calendar.

    The first time I get it, there were just the names of the events and their descriptions.

    So I add in the <head> a call for the calendar.css and I get the right calendar layout.

    Now I see that there are no effects on hover and when I click the “prev/next month/year” button on the top of the calendar they don’t work.

    I think it’s just a matter of calling the right js scripts.

    There’s a way to load them calling a function in the functions.php or I have to do it by myself.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate your great support!

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