• I just ran my blog through the W3C Markup Validator, and got 76 errors! This is the link:

    I don’t understand why the title of my most recent post is coming up with errors. The individual letters themselves seem to be causing problems. I wrote the post the same way I always do, so I don’t understand what I am doing wrong this time!

    If anyone has some time, would you please take a look at the errors and advise me as to how I am supposed to fix these? I don’t even know where to start! Thank you so much.

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  • Take out the single quote with the title of “It’s a scary place in my subconscious” The validator is thinking the single quote is the end of the title. Not sure why it didn’t get encoded though.

    Try escaping the single quote by adding a backslash before the quote.

    There are a lot of validation errors. Most of them refer to the same issues:
    – Chamge <br> to (your page is XHTML, not HTML).
    – Change & in urls to &amp; .
    – Change <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> and related javascript tags to <script type="text/javascript"> .

    That will solve most errors. Furthermore, don’t use the same id multiple times; an id can be used only once on a page. Use class instead.

    We had a bunch of validation errors too. When all was said and done it turned out to be caused by plugins. We deactivated all of them and ALL of the validation errors magically went away. It’s worth a try and easy enough to check if you want to give it a try 🙂

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