• Hi, I have a multisite network with the main blog and one additional blog.

    The main site is at hostname.domain.tld, and the site in question is at hostname.domain.tld/sitename.

    I’m using the WP-MU-Domain-Mapping plugin to associate sitename.domain.tld with hostname.domain.td./sitename. (I have an CNAME record that points sitename.domain.tld to hostname.domain.tld.) Everything mostly works, except I have a couple pages that need to be password protected (and I don’t want to require users to have their own accounts.

    When I go to a password protected page, sitename.domain.tld/pagename, I get the page I expect. I have a password box and button all within my theme. However when I submit the password I am directed to the wp-login.php page

    Here’s what my Apache log shows is going on.

    "POST /wp-pass.php HTTP/1.1" 302 -
    "GET /wp-admin/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -
    "GET /wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fsitename.domain.tld%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 2286
    "GET /sitename/wp-login.php HTTP/1.1" 200 2246

    If I go back in my browser and reload the page, then I can view the contents of the page. Or in other words, what I’d expect to happen when I logged in.

    I’ve tried this on multiple browsers, and have deleted my cookies before trying this.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Go to Super Adm9in -> Edit. Fidn the site you want.

    Now edit it so every URL in the list has the mapped subdomain & not the subfolder.


    I’m having a similar problem and am not running MU … and am too newbie to know if there’s an infrastructural difference.

    I run WP 2.9.2 on one site and 3.1.3 on my own, personal site. I have /never/ been able to get password-protected posts to work correctly. Particularly, the site running 2.9.2 is for the orchestra that I play in, with posts that are supposed to be password-protected for musician, management, and board use only. All p-p posts appeared correctly with their login fields, but when users logged-in, they were always redirected to wp-login.php — or, in some cases, the dashboard! I had to abandon the password-protection, and now those pages are visible to anyone if they know where to look.

    I just tried a p-p post on my own site (3.1.3), and I get the same result.

    I’ve poured over the Forum for a year now, and just haven’t found the needle. You appear to be a genius! Any answers?

    Yes, it is a different solution. Can you make a new post in the Troubleshooting section?

    Usually the password for a protected post is specific for that post only. If you’re making users logged in to see it, then there’s probably a plugin conflict somewhere.

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