• There are no new plugins installed and no new version changes when this problem started happening: pages that contain captioned images will not load past the headline, BUT ONLY FOR LOGGED-IN USERS. (Non logged in viewers can see the page fine)

    I am using CosmoThemes News24. The post page seems to quit loading when it runs into this code:

    			$args = array(
    				'numberposts' => -1,
    				'post_type' => 'attachment',
    				'status' => 'publish',
    				'post_mime_type' => 'image',
    				'post_parent' => $post -> ID
    			$images = &get_children($args);
    			if( has_post_thumbnail () ){
    				if( isset( $images[ get_post_thumbnail_id() ] ) ){
    					$data = $images[ get_post_thumbnail_id() ];
    					$args['post_parent'] = 0;
    					$images = &get_children($args);
    					$data = $images[ get_post_thumbnail_id() ];

    I don’t see any signs that we’ve been hacked, but it’s possible I suppose. Does anyone know why this would suddenly happen? Another symptom is that the logged-in-users’ Dashboard bar won’t load either.

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