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  • John, there is a setting on the shortcode portion of the plugin where it allows you to specify the user role that will see data.

    Go to your Contact Form DB portion of the dashboard, click on shortcode link. From there, go to the security section on that page where you can set the visibility. For the general public, use anyone as a role and associate that with the permissionmsg value as true.

    Hope that helps.

    I’m having the same problem. I’ve applied the permissions to Anyone as suggested, but I’m still getting the same error.

    Does anyone have a solution? The information that’s being submitted needs to be publicly available in this use.

    Same problem here! the Anyone tag is not working!

    I am having the same issue.

    role="anyone" is part of the short code and we still get the “permissions” message.

    Any update on this issue?

    Try put role=”Anyone” with capital “A” as it is in instructions. For me didn’t work too. :/

    Capitol “A” or lowercase “a” both return the same failed results.

    It works for me now.

    Look in Contact Form DB>Options

    I found this in the documentation:

    WARNING: This security setting is overridden by the plugin-wide setting that limits what roles can see data from short codes. In the WP Admin area, go to Contact -> Database Options -> Can See Submission when using shortcodes. If that setting is set to “Author” for example, then no user will less than Author role can see output from any short code even if you have role=”Anyone” in a short code. You may find it most useful to set the plugin-wide setting to “Anyone” then use “role” on your short codes. The plugin-wide setting is there to allow an administrator to prevent Contributers, Authors and Editors from writing short codes in posts that might reveal data that they are not permitted to see.

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