• Hi,

    I have installed the cachify plugin.

    HDD option
    In the folder is an index.html.
    => I think I need a file per wordpress page and article.
    => So, I don’t think that the plugin works correctly.

    APC option
    When I use this option I get an 500 error.

    My provider is strato. So, I think I have an apache webserver.
    In my .htaccess I wrote this:

    php_value auto_prepend_file /mnt/.../htdocs/.../blog/wp-content/plugins/cachify/apc/proxy.php

    In the documentation http://playground.ebiene.de/cachify-wordpress-cache/ I see:

    php_value auto_prepend_file /pfad/plugins/cachify/apc/proxy.php
    => My Opinion: pfad = full directory path of my webspace.

    I think strato supported gzip and ARC.
    => Why it doesnt work?



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