• Hi..

    The Plugin is working fine for me at all aspects.
    My Only Problem is when user Click to remove the avatar from front end, it redirects to admin side user profile page. But I need it to stay on my same page.
    Hope the problem is because,
    $remove_url = admin_url(‘profile.php’).”?delete_avatar=true&_nononce=”. wp_create_nonce(‘user_avatar’).”&u=”.$profile->ID;
    This points to admin side.

    But wp_redirect also cheated me.. Please help me to avoid this redirect..
    Thanks in Advance


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  • Also the thickbox is not showing up,.. Please any help..

    After a long terrific work I myself fixed the issue,
    Just add the code below the remove url,

    $remove_url = admin_url('profile.php')."?delete_avatar=true&_nononce=". wp_create_nonce('user_avatar')."&u=".$profile->ID;
    if(is_admin() && !current_user_can('manage_options')) {

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    Now it doesn’t move to admin side while removing user avatar.
    Could you Please intimate me if this could be effective in your next Plugin version. Thanks to all.

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