• Hi friends,

    I tried everything and I couldn’t make it work. Any help?

    1) Defined the constants in wp-config like this:

    /** Sets the Amazon S3 keys */
    define(‘FPEAS3_AWS_S3_ACCESS_ID’, ‘XXXXX’);
    define(‘FPEAS3_AWS_S3_SECRET’, ‘YYYYY’);

    2) Tried all of posible paths:

    [s3 bucket=”mybucket” path=”https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/mybucket/myfile.zip” expires=”60″]Download[/s3]
    [s3 bucket=”mybucket” path=”/mybucket/myfile.zip” expires=”60″]Download[/s3]
    [s3 bucket=”mybucket” path=”/myfile.zip” expires=”60″]Download[/s3]
    [s3 bucket=”mybucket” path=”myfile.zip” expires=”60″]Download[/s3]

    What am I doing wrong?


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