• Hello everybody. I need to make a Website for a friend. They don’t want a blog, they want a site with about three sections. The frontpage is going tom be like ablog in the sense that they will be posting comments and news everyday, but the other sections are just plain forms for users to send information.

    I was told that there were better options. I tried Joomla, but was told it is extremely insecure. I also tried Drupal, but it looks to me that only those skilled enogh to program using a hard drive and a magnetic needle to flip each bit can use Drupal…

    So, can anybody recommend a good template? I need one with a navigation menu on the top (most of them) and WITHOUT that damned “Leave a reply” box at the bottom and the blog-like sidebar. There are too many of them, so, could experienced users here give me a hint?


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