• I’ve to implement a foursquare like checkin functionality to my WordPress mobile template.

    I need to create a ‘Checkin’ button that need to shown at the top of the site on all pages.

    And on clicking that button I need to show a list of posts (read it as ‘places’) on the main section of the WordPress page.

    My first question is Can I make the button and the list page on a single plugin? or do I need to create a widget plugin for the button and a another plugin for custom places page?

    My Second question is which method I need to follow on clicking the Button?
    i) Make an AJAX request and show the post/places list in a modal dialog? (mine is a mobile site)
    or ii) Not to use AJAX and show the places list as in the main section of WP page?

    Can some body direct me to a similar plugin?

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