• I’m a bit of a newbie with javascript plugins, and I’m trying to build an upload form inside of a wordpress page template. This is for visitors on my site to be able to drag and drop and upload an image from their desktop to be used as a thumbnail for a post. I can do most of the wordpress, php, html input form and css part of this, and I know that the jquery.js and plupload.js are loaded by wp-includes\script-loader.php. And I know that it is used in the wp admin backend media upload stuff.

    But, I am stuck at getting plupload to do anything at all on the frontend. Can anyone point me to a bare-bones trivial example (not a plugin or widget) of how to get it to work with a normal html upload form inside of a php file? The examples I see all over the web are in bits and pieces but don’t tell you exactly what file names to use and what goes in those files. The ideal would be an all-in-one php file that does it all so the relationships of all the names, ids and variables are very obvious.

    Thank you very much,

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