• hello,

    thanks for taking a look at my post. for some reason my “home” icon in my navigation header link section is not linking back to the “home” page of my site. here is the navigation.php code that I’m working with:

    <div id=”branding”>

    <?php include (‘searchform.php’); ?>

    <div id=”logo”>

    <h1><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?><span><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></span></h1>

    </div><!– end logo –>

    </div><!– end branding –>

    <div id=”page-navigation” class=”clearfix”>

    ” class=”rss” title=”RSS Feed”>RSS Feed

    <ul id=”nav”>

    <li<? echo (is_home())? ‘ class=”current_page_item”‘ : ”; ?>>/”>Home

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’); ?>

    </div><!– end page-navigation –>

    Can anyone please help me out as to why it brings me to a “page not found” page when trying to go back to “home?” thanks.

    My site is currently on a test server that has a username and password prompt to get in. Is there anyway I can share the site with others without having them have to enter a username/pass?

    Thank you,

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  • you have this
    <li — not closed correctly

    can’t use this?
    <a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a>

    Thread Starter stephenjames716


    thank you for your reply.

    I now have the following in my navigation.php

    <div id="branding">
    		<?php include ('searchform.php'); ?>
    		 <div id="image">
    		</div><!-- end imagelogo -->
    	</div><!-- end branding -->
    	<div id="page-navigation" class="clearfix">
    		<a href="<?php bloginfo('daily_picks'); ?>" class="rss" title="daily picks">daily picks</a>
    		<ul id="nav">
    			<li<? echo (is_home())? ' class="current_page_item"' : ''; ?>><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></li>
    			<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1'); ?>
    	</div><!-- end page-navigation -->

    It is still bringing up the same problem though 🙁 When I got to a different section of my page and then try to click on the “home” icon on my page, in this case my companies logo, the hyperlink is not correct and brings me to a “sorry, this page cannot be found” page.

    For example, when going to the “about” page on my site and then try to the home page, the hyperlink shows up as the following:

    http://www.testsite.staging.com/about/block club

    When I click on that I am brought to the page not found page. Somewhere I’m missing how to correctly link that image on all pages to go back to the home page only.

    I would appreciate anyone’s advice.

    Thread Starter stephenjames716


    anyone? I would really appreciate any information.

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