• Resolved kskerp



    I was curious if shortcode could be created for the prior lesson like the [namaste-next-lesson] ?

    Also, instead of returning the text “next lesson”, I liked dsplaying the next lesson’s name to the student. I am not sure if you like this idea, but I thought I would attach the return incase anyone needed it.

    return ” < a href=’ ” .get_permalink ( $next_lesson->ID).”‘ >$next_lesson->post_title → </ a >”

    *please note that some formatting had to occur for the above return to counter the html processing of this post


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  • Thread Starter kskerp


    Or perhaps you could explain to me how I could edit:

    $next_lesson = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT tP.* FROM {$wpdb->posts} tP JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} tM ON tM.post_id = tP.ID AND tM.meta_key = ‘namaste_course’ WHERE tP.post_type = ‘namaste_lesson’ AND tM.meta_value = %d AND tP.ID > %d AND tP.post_status = ‘publish'”, $course_id, $post->ID));

    to grab the prior lesson if one existed instead of the alternate?

    Plugin Author Bob


    just change AND tP.ID > %d to AND tP.ID < %d

    We’ll add the shortcode in the next release

    Thread Starter kskerp


    awesome, thank you! It worked out Great!

    I thought it would be a pretty similar addition.

    Thread Starter kskerp


    By the way, it was not as simple as I originally thought. It was returning the “0” or first lesson in the course instead of the “oldest prior lesson” (so if you were on lesson 4, the prior lesson would be lesson 1, and if you were on lesson 8, the prior lesson would still be lesson 1). I have it working on my wordpress page now so that the prior lesson is the exact prior lesson of the current lesson.

    I had to use a “$next_lesson_checker” and a while loop comparing it to the $post->ID to get it working properly. I imagine it would only take you a couple minutes, but I could email you it to save you some time possibly.

    Thanks again for replying back to my original post, it let me understand what was happening in the method a whole lot easier 🙂

    Plugin Author Bob


    Oh yes, my mistake. You could actually achieve this by adding “ORDER BY tP.ID DESC” in the query. Anyway, we’ll have this shortcode added pretty soon.

    Thread Starter kskerp


    haha by couple minutes I meant seconds 🙂

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