• I have been having a number of troubles with my blog lately. It was either loading very slow, not at all (blank page) or would try to download a .php file to my computer.

    I host with Godaddy and I received the following from support:

    Upon investigation of the websites hosted at LEARNTOBLOG.NET it appears that the hosting servers are functioning without issue. In order to increase the speed of your WordPress-powered websites, we recommend optimizing the underlying databases by adding table indices to speed up MySQL queries and reduce load times. More information on how to perform MySQL optimization for your website can be found by reviewing the information at the following URL:

    They url they sent leads to msql documentation that basically, I didn’t understand.

    Any idea what this means? I am not much of a programmer (nor do I want to be).

    Also, this is the second time Godaddy support has looked at this issue and each time, the issue is fixed (for a while) after going to support.

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