• Ok, so I figured out how to put on a layout made by alex king. My site is here: http://dillon.wallgardens.com. I need to know how to make it so the side bar stays fit with the layout (it over flows)
    here is my layout stuff:

    /* Don’t remove this line. */
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    <?php the_content(); ?>
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    <?php endforeach; else: ?>
    <?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?>
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      <?php get_links_list(); ?>
      <li id=”categories”><?php _e(‘Categories:’); ?>
      <?php wp_list_cats(); ?>

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    <li id=”archives”><?php _e(‘Archives:’); ?>

      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?>

    <li id=”calendar”>
    <?php get_calendar(); ?>

    <li id=”other”><?php _e(‘Other:’); ?>

    <li id=”meta”><?php _e(‘Meta:’); ?>

    <p class=”credit”><!–<?php echo $wpdb->num_queries; ?> queries. <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds. –> <cite><?php echo sprintf(__(“Powered by WordPress“), __(“Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform”)); ?></cite>
    “Zen” by Michee Rose (www.michee.vrtisworks.com, michee@vrtisworks.com)
    based on the Default WordPress by Dave Shea || http://mezzoblue.com
    Modifications by Matthew Mullenweg || http://photomatt.net
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Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Er thanks for the code. We can read your CSS from here anyway. 🙂 The answer to your question is that you can’t. At least not without editing the index file. No big deal but some folks do not want to do it.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Ok, how?

    Well that depends on how you want it to look exactly. Could you find a WP blog you like and post the url here.? Then we can help maybe.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    The menu are flows over the footer. I want the menu to stop at the footer.

    Let me say at the outset that what you would like is perfectly common. No problems there. Let me also say that this is more difficult than it sounds. It is easy to fix as long as you embrace the issue wholeheartedly and make the necessary changes. The WP default is a full width flexible layout. It has an absolutely positioned menu and as you have observed a half footer. In order for that footer to settle where we want it we need to add a clearer div. That however will not work with an absolutely positioned menu. You therefore need to change to the CSS 1 compliant float positioning scheme for your menu. If you want source ordered content that needs to be floated too. It is necessary to add a div #masthead (not header it is already in use) and the div clearer. All of that requires substantial surgery and a fair grasp of CSS. What sadly is not a good idea in every respect is to fit a style sheet which does not mesh with the index file. IMHO. If you would like to look at my Gemini template the link is on my blog. Good luck whatever you do.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    in your #content, you have floart: left instead of float.
    maybe that could help? i really don’t know much, but yeah…

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