• The plugin is working great for the newsletter that I have widgeted in the left sidebar. I have a couple of other items that people can request to be e-mailed to them, and I’m trying to see how to use all this same data, with the difference being the mailchimp database that it goes into. Is there a way to copy everything, but change the coding. I see this from your website, but this is my first website ever, so I’m not quite as literate as I’d like to be. Is the following what I would use?

    The form action

    The form action is the url where the request must be send to. For some newsletter providers all requests go to the same url but for others you need an url that has your unique ID in it. Take a look at the following form tag.

    <form id=”newsletter” action=”http://qoate.us1.list-manage1.com/subscribe/post?u=a2d08947dcd3683512ce174c5&id=fd667825ba&#8221; method=”post”>

    What you’re gonna need here is pretty straightforward: the action attribute. So in this case that ‘ll be http://qoate.us1.list-manage1.com/subscribe/post?u=a2d08947dcd3683512ce174c5&id=fd667825ba.
    The e-mail identifier

    The e-mail identifier is the name attribute of the input field that holds the emailadress in your embedded sign-up form. I am using MailChimp as my newsletter provider and thus this field is already filled in by the plugin, but if it weren’t this is what I should have filled in, granted the following code (taken directly from the source-code of this page).

    <input id=”mce-EMAIL” name=”EMAIL” type=”text” value=”Your emailadress..” />

    Thanks in advance!!!

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