• I’m finally moving my first WP site to a live server however it’s a little complicated. I’ve done the google searches and followed the codex for moving a site to a new domain however there are still some unresolved issues and I’m looking for insight.

    After I dumped a backup of the original DB (sub.example.com/ABC/) and changed the urls in the general settings to http://www.livesite.com I re-dumped the DB.

    This site unfortunately has a large amount of custom fields and it stores the absolute URL (http://example.com/ABC/). I went through the SQL file and replaced:
    http://example.com/ABC/ -> http://www.livesite.com/
    I also did some adjustments to the redirection table (stripped out the /ABC/).

    So basically my question: is this good enough to send to someone else to set up the database on the live server? I do not have direct access to it. This is my first WP site so I have no idea of the inner workings of WP (or anyone else I know).

    Also, it should be safe to remove the wp_redirection_logs insert statement right? I don’t need 1600 log lines in the new db…

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

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