• Hello,

    Wonderful theme! I am truly grateful.

    One thing I have noticed is the menu system functions differently depending on the device.

    On desktop, main menu items appear and submenus appear with a mouse hover. On my iphone a “menu” button appears and touching that will open up the entire menu hierarchy, with all submenus expanded. I suppose there’s no way around that for the iphone, and it’s kinda cool.

    The problem is with tablets because you can’t hover, but WP isn’t recognizing the device as a mobile device and so submenus are inaccessible.

    I’ll probably try to get around this with separate pages, but I thought I’d see if anyone had any other solutions.


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  • Theme Author Caroline Moore


    You can change js/toggle.js in the theme to change the menu to switch over on larger tablets — set a higher pixel value (I think for iPads it would be 1024) on lines 46 and 57. The exact size will vary depending on the tablet you’re using, and there’s the possibility it will change the menu for desktop users browsing in a smaller window.

    Thread Starter miharbio


    Great! Thanks!

    This looks like I’ll need to FTP into the server, correct? I do not see toggle.js through the WP editor…

    Theme Author Caroline Moore


    Very possible, yes.

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