• We use domain mapping on our network install of WordPress at Network23, but PuSHPress doesn’t support it out the box, this code hack sorts it out. We tested it pushing posts to identi.ca.

    Edit the file class-pushpress.php and at line 200, replace:

    $subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ) );


    if (function_exists ('domain_mapping_siteurl')) {
       $subs = $this->get_subscribers( domain_mapping_siteurl() . '/feed/' );
    } else {
       $subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ) );

    And line 209, replace:

    $subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'atom_url' ) );


    if (function_exists ('domain_mapping_siteurl')) {
       $subs = $this->get_subscribers( domain_mapping_siteurl() .'/feed/atom/' );
    } else {
       $subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'atom_url' ) );

    Am not fully convinced that the hack is suitable yet for a code modification, due to the hard-coding of the ‘/feed’ and ‘/feed/atom’ parts of the URL.

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