• I’m using this code to style top level categories that have posts differently from the ones that don’t have posts. But the loop gets stuck now that I have more categories. It worked well with 200 categories, but now I have about 3000 categories and it get stuck on the first one.

    Has this to do with php limits or WordPress limits?

    $allcats = get_categories('hide_empty=0&exclude=1&orderby=slug&order=ASC');
    foreach($allcats as $thecat) {
    	if ($thecat->parent < 1) {
    	if ($test) {
    	echo "<li><a href=\"" . get_category_link($thecat->cat_ID) . "\"><span>". get_cat_name($thecat->cat_ID) ."</span></a></li>";
    	} else {
    	echo "<li class=\"maincatinactief\"><span>". get_cat_name($thecat->cat_ID) ."</span></li>";
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  • user “number” in the function

    Thread Starter Jack


    What function?

    use like this get_categories(‘hide_empty=0&exclude=1&orderby=slug&order=ASC&number=10’);

    Thread Starter Jack


    Thanks. I tried that with number=20 or number=20000 but no results. When I set hide_empty to 1 the code above works, when set to 0 it doesn’t, even with number set to 20000.

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    couldn’t you do something like this to test if top level categories have posts:

    $allcats = get_categories('hide_empty=0&exclude=1&orderby=slug&order=ASC');
    foreach($allcats as $thecat) {
    	if ($thecat->parent == 0) {
    	  if($thecat->count > 0) {
    	    // top level category with posts
    	  } else {
    	    // top level category without posts

    Thread Starter Jack


    It looks like the code of keesiemeijer is working. No idea why that other code isn’t. Keesie, is this code ‘bullet proof’? 😉 I mean, I have parent > first child > second child categories, and only the second child categories actually have posts, the rest is pure for navigation purposes.

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    I think so, you can also do an else for child categories:

    if ($thecat->parent == 0) {
    	  if($thecat->count > 0) { // post count
    	    // top level category with posts
    	  } else {
    	    // top level category without posts
    } else {
    // do stuff for child categories here
              if($thecat->count > 0) { // post count
    	    // child category with posts
    	  } else {
    	    // child category without posts

    Thread Starter Jack


    Looks good. The only thing is it will only work when using the checkboxes for all levels: the top level parent, the first child category and the category on the second and deepest level. That’s no problem, but now my breadcrumbs aren’t working anymore 🙁 Perhaps looking for another breadcrumb plugin.

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Did they work before my code? I think (not tested) in your code the conditionals should be this way around:

    if ($test) { // category has posts
    if ($thecat->parent < 1) { // this is a top level category

    Thread Starter Jack


    Which code is faster? In my case that’s rather important. so if your code is faster, I’m happy to look for another plugin.

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Well, my code is faster because it doesn’t need to query all posts belonging to a category (they are part of the the original query from get_categories()).

    Thread Starter Jack


    Ah, ok 🙂 That sounds good! Do you by any chance also know how I could get the top level category to display in my searchresults? the_category() shows all three of them, but I only need the top level cat.

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