• I’d like to show a list of most popular posts sorted by number of views.

    I’d like to show small thumbnails (the same image(s) used in the posts just resized to fit) on left, and excerpt on right. So the formatting would look like:

    [#1 Post Title]
    [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt, limit to x chars]
    [#2 Post Title]
    [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt, limit to x chars]
    [#3 Post Title]
    [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt, limit to x chars]
    ... upto 5 posts

    Is there a plugin available for this? If can be achieved by simply using wordpress template tags, I’d prefer that over a 3rd party plugin. But important to me is display formatting, I need thumbnails on left.

    Many thanks

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