• Hi all got a problem – I have a twitter feed which is sitting within a div and I’m trying to target the link portion of it so that it sits inside the box properly but in Safari its not doing so it’s just running horizontally across and breaking right out of the div that its in. I tried targeting it with css but I’m still not finding what the solution is for it. here is what I’m working with – I added background color to the main div twitterfeed and then to the link to highlight them.

    @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
    .twitterfeed ul li a{

    Here is the HTML/DIV coding

    <div class="twitterfeed"><!--posting of twitter feed on page-->
    <ul><li>Plz read why a white chick wud make a movie about thugs. <a href="http://www.yomaggie.com/category/themakingofplayerhating/">http://www.yomaggie.com/category/themakingofplayerhating/</a></li>
    </div><!--end twitterfeed div-->

    Here is the link to the page as well Link

    Thanks in advance

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