• Hello,

    I am having a problem getting my Javascript Scroll Gallery plugin to work with my WordPress Slider plugin. Since I installed the javascript plugin it has been working perfect except the slider plugin thats part of my theme stopped working.

    When I paste the javascript plugin code to the homepage just the slider plugin on the homepage stops working. When I paste the code to header.php the slider plugins through out the site don’t work.

    I tested the plugin code by excluding parts of the code and the slider plugin begins to work only when I delete the code that directs to the JQuery file. The directory to the JQuery files are correct.

    Note: The arrow at the top left on my site is supposed to light up so I believe its conflicting with Highslide and JQuery?

    Sorry this might sound confusing as I don’t know this stuff too well but I’d appreciate any help I could get. thanks!

    site: http://ultravnetwork.com
    plugin installed: the scroll gallery under “Inside UVN”

    The WordPress Slider plugin that I want to work on my homepage can be located in the sidebar under ‘Latest News’ at http://www.ultravnetwork.com/latest-news/

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