• Hello!
    I have been using WordPress for about 2 Months, i hope you can help me out 🙂

    I have integrated Typekit Fonts on my Webpage. Works flawlessly on the frontend.

    Used this tutorial(thank you Tom Nowell): http://www.tomjn.com/150/typekit-wp-editor-styles/
    to integrate it in the tinymce editor, which works, but Typekit uses “referrer” security (so you can’t copy the fonts to another domain). So it will load one time and the next times typekit will block the access.

    I think the problem is with the tinymce-editor-iframe (it has no source):
    <iframe id="content_ifr" src='javascript:""' frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" title="Textfeld mit FormatierungsmöglichkeitenDrücke ALT + F10 für die Werkzeugleiste. Drücke ALT + 0 für die Hilfe." style="width: 100%; height: 921px; display: block;"></iframe>

    I grep’d through all the wordpress files and changed every occurance of ‘javascript:””‘ to ‘http://mysite.com/helper.html&#8217; but it still shows the ‘javascript:””‘.

    If someone could point me into the right direction i would be really thankful and it would be a great extension to the Typekit WordPress plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/typekit-fonts-for-wordpress/).

    Tom (different tom)

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