• Resolved gwinnie


    Greetings everybody! I have a bit of a Javascript newbie question.

    My site is a photo blog using Infinite Scroll version 2.0b2.110709 for seamless post loading. Additionally, I am using WP Facebook Like 1.5.1 and Google +1 1.0.4 for buttons after posts.

    Problem is, when Infinite Scroll loads more posts after user scrolls down, FB Like and G+1 buttons are no longer loaded after the posts. I presume that this could be addressed in an Infinite Scroll post-load Javascript. I’ve been trying to look at the buttons coding, but I still have no idea what JS functions to call to load the Like and +1 buttons for the additional posts.

    Thanks a bunch for any hints!

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  • Right so in the infinite-scroll options -> callback box you’ll need to call fblike and g+ again in order to re-run and pickup the new posts. So you’ll need to paste in something (exactly) like:

    window.fbAsyncInit = function()
    							FB.init({appId: 115079708540175, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
    							var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
    							e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_PI/all.js';
    gapi.load('googleapis.client:plusone', window['__bsld'], null);

    Let me know if you have any questions πŸ™‚

    Thread Starter gwinnie


    Amazing, sir! This does the trick. Wow, it would take me ages to find out on my own.

    Thank you very much indeed. πŸ™‚

    Resolved, thank you bear!


    Thanks for Facebook!

    And for Twitter??

    samroud, have you got an example of the twitter plugin working? (so then I can find what code to put in the callback)

    Hi beaver,

    g+ button in mysite is not working anymore and I cant figure why.

    debug mode is activated

    Thank u.

    @ant0nio, can you try replacing the following:
    gapi.load('googleapis.client:plusone', window['__bsld'], null);

    Let me know how it goes πŸ™‚

    works! Thank you again!



    Somewhere built in my theme is a call a Fancybox script, which I need for my posts (4×4 grid of clickable pics)

    My Site

    When you scroll down, the images just load with the zoom thing over it, unclickable :/

    other than that, works great! I just wish my posts worked πŸ™

    I’m not sure what to put in the ;load javascript; box :/



    Basically, I need to refresh my scripts etc. that execute in the footer, which calls to the page-templates.php and ultimately the fancybox javascript.

    How do I go about that?

    First you need to upgrade to the latest RC version for this to work:

    Just unzip, upload (and overwrite the existing plugin)

    After you’ll be wanting to put the following in the “javascript to be called after load” box:

    		'overlayOpacity'	:	0.7,
    		'overlayColor'		:	'#000000',
    		'transitionIn'		: 'elastic',
    		'transitionOut'		: 'elastic',
    		'easingIn'      	: 'easeOutBack',
    		'easingOut'     	: 'easeInBack',
    		'speedIn' 			: '700',
    		'centerOnScroll'	: true


    I.Love.You. No homo. πŸ™‚
    It works like a charm! I’ve got a couple bugs to work out, but they are purely graphical and shouldn’t be hard to remedy.


    Hi beaver6813!

    As i can see you are realy good at what you are doing πŸ™‚ First of all thanks for helping others, secondly it works for me as weel, but i don’t understand how i could change the like button text to the default. because this apperars to me:

    ” Arr! Be th’ first of all ye matey’s to find this pleasin’ to yer eye. “

    I have alerady changed the appi code but nothing changed.
    Thanks a lot!

    LOL It was a pirat languages LOL Ok now i find i just had to change the en_PI to en_US



    Thanks again! πŸ™‚

    Haha crazy, I think everyone should speak in Pirate language πŸ˜‰

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