• Resolved tim jones


    I had the plugin working in both the admin and in the template early on in my site development but I went to add a new image to a term today and it no longer allows me to set the image. I can click on the field name and the thickbox pops up. When I click on “Use This Image” the thickbox closes but the image url is not in the field.

    Using WordPress 3.4.2 with custom taxonomies defined by Types, but it is not working within the post categories either. I have installed this on a second test site with the same version of WordPress and Types and it works. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin as well as reinstalled WordPress. I have tried disabling all plugins except Types and this one.

    I am experiencing the problem in Firefox, Safari and Chrome – but only on this one site. Have you seen this before? Any ideas?


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  • No, I have not seen the issue before. Are you sure you do not have another plugin on the site that it is broken that might be causing the issue?

    Thread Starter tim jones


    At one point I deleted all other plugins besides Types and Cart66. To test further I saved one of the edit-tags.php pages as static HTML, deleted the references to cart66 scripts and then uploaded the HTML to the wp-admin folder. Still no go.

    I was able to successfully re-create this issue.

    When selecting your desired image in Thickbox, make sure you click the “File URL” button to populate the “Link URL” field before choosing to “Use This Image” – WordPress remembers this setting, so if you recently inserted an image anywhere else via Thickbox with no “Link URL” it will be blank (I believe it’s also blank by default, so a new install would behave this way as well).

    I was able to fix this locally by updating s8-simple-taxonomy-images/js/s8-taxonomy-images.js

    img = $(html).find('img').andSelf().filter('img');
    imgurl = img.attr('src');
    imgclass = img.attr('class');

    I also removed the console.log call as that will crash IE<9 if I recall correctly.

    Unrelated, but I note that there is not currently a way to remove an image once selected.

    Unrelated, but I note that there is not currently a way to remove an image once selected.

    Poor form of me to bring up a separate issue in this thread, my apologies. But since I already did, this is how I’ve addressed it locally – although I won’t be surprised if there’s a better method available.

    s8-simple-taxonomy-images/js/s8-taxonomy-images.js (inserted above “$(“#s8_tax_image”).focus(function()…”)

    s8_tax_image_remove = $("<p><a href=''>Remove</a></p>").click(function(){ $("#s8_tax_image").val(""); return false; });

    s8-simple-taxonomy-images/s8-taxonomy-images.php (added to if statement that begins on line 96)

    else { delete_option('s8_tax_image_'.$taxonomy.'_'.$term_id); }
    Plugin Contributor Aaron Reimann


    We’ll look at it soon, but probably not until Monday.

    The above issues should be resolved in the latest release. Both the inability to remove the image and the image not being set in certain cases.

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