• Hello everyone,

    my blog is at: http://hamasbir.com/ (view in IE vs. FF)

    I’m currently using WordPress 2.8.4 in hebrew. I’m using a theme called Simple v2 2.0, which was heavily modified by me. Unfortuneately, I know next to nothing about CSS or HTML, so I assume this is what caused the problem.

    The blog looks just fine in FF, but pretty much unviewable in IE.

    *Edit* some important notes:

    – the problem seems to be on the homepage and on single posts pages.
    – in IE, the dashed border under the links is applied also to H2’s, even though they are excluded in my CSS, and they would not “hide” when text is hovered.

    here’s my css:

    @charset "utf-8";
    Theme Name: Simple v2
    Theme URI: http://bob.my/wordpress-theme-simple-version-2-is-out/
    Description: Simple one ;)  <br /> התאמה לעברית <a href="http://www.we-cms.info/blog">ארז וולף</a>
    Version: 2.0
    Author: Bob Jiwakacau
    Author URI: http://bob.my/
    Tags: blue, white, fixed width, two columns, widgets, rounded corners
    /*...... body ........*/
    * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style:none; text-decoration:none; }
    body { background:url(images/topbkg.gif) repeat-x; font:0.75em arial, sans-serif; color:#333; direction:rtl;}
    /*...... links ........*/
    a { color:#ef1111; border-bottom: 1px dashed #999; font-weight: bold;}
    a:hover { color:#ef1111; text-decoration: underline; border-bottom: hidden;}
    /*...... main and sticky footer ........*/
    html, body { height: 100%;  }
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    h2 a:hover { color: #ed0d0d; }
    .clear { clear:both;}
    /*...... WRAPPER ........*/
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    #logo h1 a { color:#fff; text-decoration: none;}
    #logo h1 a:hover {color:#e4f2fd; text-decoration: none;}*/
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    .box p.dpost { display:block; background:#f6f6f6; padding:5px 10px 5px 5px; margin:10px 0 0 0; clear:both;}
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    .box p { line-height:140%;}
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    /*...... misc ........*/
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    /*...... comments ........*/
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    .box ol.commentlist li .comments p { padding-top:10px;}
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    /*...... footer ........*/
    #footer { background:url(images/foobkg.gif) repeat-x; clear: both; position: relative; z-index: 10; height: 31px; }
    .footer, #push { height:30px; width:905px; margin:auto; padding-top:1px; }
    #footer p { line-height:31px; color:#fff;}
    #footer p a { color:#cccccc;}
    #footer p.fooleft { float:right;}
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    #footer p.fooright a { display:block; background:url(images/top.gif) no-repeat 100% 8px; width:27px; height:31px;}

    Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • Thread Starter zigmund619


    UPDATE: frontpage issue fixed, remaining issues:

    – dashed borders still displayed under post titles, even though CSS excludes them.

    – some sidebar links aren’t working properly.

    the footer overlaps the text of the last post.

    Thread Starter zigmund619


    UPDATE: fixed all these problems except the footer, see how it overlaps the last post’s metadata?? I still have no idea why it’s doing that..

    put this is your footer

    #height: 120px;

    and ddelete the #push from .footer, #push

    anyhow, your footer is OUT of the Main div, or the wrapper, also you have both footer ID and footer class defined .. This is not so healthy.

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