• Resolved vishal_hd


    Hey I was trying to make a wp theme but it only returned a white screen. Can You guys help me? The Theme Isn’t finished, please excuse any mistakes, I have all of the codes that I use in the theme here:


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                <div class="date">March 17th 2009</div>
                <div class="itemsummary">Producer of Street Fighter IV Yoshinori Ono tells us about how he got into the industry, his love for Space Invaders, and some scandalous bits of information that might surprise you. What game do you think he's playing? Find out now!<br class="clear" />
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      	<div class="title">CAD Information - VideoGame Designing</div>
      		<div class="item">Producer of Street Fighter IV Yoshinori Ono tells us about how he got into the industry, his love for Space Invaders, and some scandalous bits of information that might surprise you. What game do you think he's playing? Find out now!</div>
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           	    <div class="title"><a href="#">CAD Information - VideoGame Designing</a></div>
                <div class="date">March 17th 2009</div>
                <div class="itemsummary"><p>Both Hybrid Theory and Meteora combined the nu metal[55][56][57][58][59] and rap rock[60][59] sound with influences and elements from hip-hop, alternative rock,[61] and electronica, utilizing programming and synthesizers. William Ruhlmann from Allmusic regarded it as "a Johnny-come-lately to an already overdone musical style,"[62] whereas Rolling Stone called "Breaking the Habit" "risky, beautiful art".[63]</p>
    <p>In Minutes to Midnight the band experimented with their established sound and drew influences from a wider and more varied range of genres and styles, a process Los Angeles Times compares to a stage in U2's work.[64] In it, only two of the songs feature rapping, and the majority of the album can be considered alternative rock,[65][66] rather than nu metal or rap rock. It also is their first studio album to feature guitar solos.</p>
    <p>Linkin Park's use of two separate vocalists has become a large part of their music. Chester Bennington is most known for using screaming vocals common in various forms of metal, while also using more melodic singing, and has placed 46th in Hit Paraders list of "Heavy Metal's All-Time Top 100 Vocalists".[67]</p>
    <p>Mike Shinoda is the group's MC, and does all of the rapping. Mike has also done all of the backing vocals live, and in their latest album, Minutes to Midnight, he sings lead vocals on "In Between", "Hands Held High" and the B-side "No Roads Left". Shinoda has also been placed in Hit Parader's list of "Heavy Metal's All-Time Top 100 Vocalists" at number 72.[67]</p></div>
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    Can you guys please Help me? I really need this theme working. Thanks alot in advance.

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • Chrisber


    Have you created a stylesheet yet? The display is controlled by css, not php.



    True but in that case s/he’d get unstyled content – not a white screen (which I assume is blank).

    @ishal_hd: Have you checked the page source? Is anything being sent to the browser?

    Thread Starter vishal_hd


    @chrisber I have a stylesheet, but nothing is showing up.

    @esmi: I have and nothing is being sent.



    If there’s nothing in the source, the problem could be in header.php – not index.php.

    Thread Starter vishal_hd


    Well I have the header listed in the post above, could you see what I am doing wrong? I am have tried everything, even leaving out everything but the wp_header() !! I don’t understand. Please help, thanks 😉



    Nothing major leaps out at me but a couple of minor possibilities spring to mind:

    – you need a single space after the last ‘-‘ in your opening HTML comment tag and another single space before the ‘-‘ in the closing comment tag.
    – don’t call wp-login.php directly. Use <?php wp_loginout();?>
    – ditto for wp-register.php. Use <?php wp_register();?>
    – try dropping the DOCTYPE down to:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

    Thread Starter vishal_hd


    @esmi I have done what you have said, but it is still not sending across anything and it isn’t working. And the white screen remains.



    @vishal_hd If you email a zip of the theme I’ll work on it. dremation@gmail.com




    Fix: sidebar.php
    if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>

    You didn’t follow through with an else statement so you don’t need the extra : at the end there. It should be

    if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar() ) ?>

    Fix: index.php
    `<div class=”itemsummary”><?php the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry »’) ?></div>


    <?php else : ?>`

    You never used endwhile. It should look like this.
    ` <div class=”itemsummary”><?php the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry »’) ?></div>
    <?php endwhile; ?>


    <?php else : ?>`

    Thread Starter vishal_hd


    thanks alot dude. kudos to ya. 😉

    dremation you done this for free? Man you must have a lot of free time on your hands but nice one.

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