• Resolved Draelren


    My bosses website uses your plugin, and when clients try to view his videos on his website on Firefox/IE it shows as a plugin missing issue. He wants to resolve this without them needing Flash.

    We are currently a part of the HTML5 trial; and would like to know how to call the HTML5 player with this plugin, rather than having to embed the youtube link. Because it still isn’t working on the other browsers.


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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Hi Draelren;
    I’m afraid we’re at the mercy of YT; not all vids are available in HTML5 (webm of h264) and, more importantly (from the YT HTML5 page):

    Some videos with ads are not yet supported (they will play in the Flash player)

    So whereas YouTube will sometimes show the HTML5-player, it will on other occasions want to use Flash anyway. I’m afraid there’s no way around that.


    Thread Starter Draelren


    Thanks for the info, it decided to work for me a few hours after I changed over the plugin, might have been the cache doing it. Issue is resolved.

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