• Okay, I’ve searched. Both every file on my site and this very site. (I get 222,000+ results.)

    How do I stop the “phrase” !!! from being turned into an image? If I type !!! into one of my Blog entries (And I do it a lot, it’s a habit. It means very excited!!!) it turns into a non existant image placeholder with the source URL “http://www.jasoco.net/!” A file that obviously doesn’t exist. It’s not in the Vars.php file (Which is where I found all the smileys.) and I can’t figure out why it does this!

    (In case it does it here too, what is being changed is three exclamation points in a row. ! ! ! without spaces.)


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  • I had this same problem. I think it is due to some replacement code in Textile. If you disable Textile, the problem is fixed.

    To keep Textile, we must comment a line of their code. Edit the wp-content/plugins/textil1.php file, and on line 81, put a # sign at the beginning. Like this:

    #$text = preg_replace('/!([^\s\(=]+)\s?(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?!(\s)?/mU','<img src="$1" alt="$2" border="0" />$3',$text);

    It may not be exactly line 81, but it is the line with the img tag that looks like that one.

    Regarding my post above, I figured out the problem. It is because Textile uses exclamation points around their shorthand way of inserting images.

    You don’t have to comment that line after all. All you need to do is add an exclamation point right after the (=.

    $text = preg_replace('/!([^\s\(=!] . . .

    (This is in wp-content/plugins/textile1.php. Textile version 2 is not affected.)

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