• WP-PageNavi is a excellent plugin! But here is just another way to paging without any PageNavi plugins.

    First, add this code to functions.php of your theme

    function pagenavi( $p = 2 ) { // pages will be show before and after current page
      if ( is_singular() ) return; // don't show in single page
      global $wp_query, $paged;
      $max_page = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
      if ( $max_page == 1 ) return; // don't show when only one page
      if ( empty( $paged ) ) $paged = 1;
      // echo '<span class="pages">Page: ' . $paged . ' of ' . $max_page . ' </span> '; // pages
      if ( $paged > $p + 1 ) p_link( 1, 'First' );
      if ( $paged > $p + 2 ) echo '... ';
      for( $i = $paged - $p; $i <= $paged + $p; $i++ ) { // Middle pages
        if ( $i > 0 && $i <= $max_page ) $i == $paged ? print "<span class='page-numbers current'>{$i}</span> " : p_link( $i );
      if ( $paged < $max_page - $p - 1 ) echo '... ';
      if ( $paged < $max_page - $p ) p_link( $max_page, 'Last' );
    function p_link( $i, $title = '' ) {
      if ( $title == '' ) $title = "Page {$i}";
      echo "<a class='page-numbers' href='", esc_html( get_pagenum_link( $i ) ), "' title='{$title}'>{$i}</a> ";

    Second, add <?php pagenavi(); ?> anywhere.( My theme is twenty ten, so I add it to loop.php )

    At last, add some css code to your style.css file

    .page-numbers{margin:10px 2px 0px 2px;padding:1px 8px 1px 8px;text-decoration:none;background:#A3C159;color:#fff;}
    .page-numbers:hover{background:#009193; color:#FFFFFF;}
    .current, .current:hover{color:#FFFFFF; background:#009193; border:2px solid #009193;}

    If you want to show current page and total page count, remove the comment of line 7.

    I hope someone like this tip, and the demo is on: http://www.akasuna.com/

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