• Resolved sundev


    Hello, please does any one know how I could hide the categories on top!
    I have so many categories which make the whole things chocks, I would prefer to make it hidden. thanks

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  • If you would like to completely remove the top categories you can do it by creating a child theme http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes and then once you put the header.php file you can remove:

    <section id="container">
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_top_nav' ); ?>
    <nav class="top-nav iegradient effect-1" id="top-navigation" role="navigation">
    <div class="innerwrap">
    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'top', 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'sf-menu', 'fallback_cb' => 'mesocolumn_revert_wp_menu_page','walker' => new Custom_Description_Walker )); ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_inside_top_nav' ); ?>
    <div id="mobile-nav">
    <?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'top' ) ) {  ?>
    <p class="select-pri">
    <?php _e('Select Page:', TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?> <?php dez_get_mobile_navigation( $type='top', $nav_name="top" ); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'primary' ) ) {  ?>
    <p class="select-pri sec">
    <?php _e('Select Category:', TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?> <?php dez_get_mobile_navigation( $type='main', $nav_name="primary" ); ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_top_nav' ); ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_header' ); ?>
    Thread Starter sundev


    thank you so much for your reply I comment on the child’s theme header.php

    line: //echo wp_list_categories(‘orderby=name&show_count=0&title_li=’);

    and it is hidden. Thanks again.

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  • The topic ‘How to Hide Categories’ is closed to new replies.