• I am very new to the blogosphere and need some help. In an attempt to set up a text widget so viewers could subscribe to my blog, I discovered that my theme(Fauna)is not widget-aware. I don’t want to change themes, so I emailed the theme creator, and this is what he wrote back:

    “Actually, Fauna has been supporting widgets since beta 3, which is quite a while ago. The final version actually supports quite a bit more than that:


    However, only an old version (beta2) is on WordPress.com .

    I have contacted the WordPress.com developers, asking what I could do to get the final version on wordpress.com, but I have received no answer. If you know how to get in touch with them, feel ever so free, and know that I’ll be available to do any changes to the theme to make it wordpress.com compatible.

    As it stands, there’s not much I can do. It has to be the wordpress admins that put the theme on wordpress.com.”

    So what do I do now? Anyone? Anyone?
    Thanks so much!
    I have no idea which version of WP I’m using. I just picked the first one.

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  • So what do I do now?

    One thing for sure: you don’t post in a forum that has nothing to do with wordpress.com.

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