• Turning to you (WordFence) because the response from WooCommerce didn’t fully address my question. Please can you read over my original query and confirm their (Woo) response.

    Original question:
    Question about caching, specifically how to disable caching when the cart is open.

    My site will have an open cart (when items are added) on a sidebar widget on the shop & product-category page(s). Most other pages do not include the cart widget.

    Would like to understand how to control the caching on those pages.

    Am using plugin: Wordfence Security, which has caching management.

    On their (WF) support page they instruct how to add code to a page where the cart may reside to disable the cashing.
    (According to WordFence, the cart, checkout and account pages are already properly coded to avoid caching.)

    Your (WooCommerce) support page:
    . . . doesn’t explain where to put the code.

    Please detail where this code should go, what file(s),. . . where exactly? And if it needs to be modified for the particular page(s) or widget. (Newbie here, so explain-like-I’m-five please.)



    Response from WooCommerce:

    ” . . . You shouldn’t have any problems using Wordfence and WooCommerce together. You don’t need to add any code or anything – the cart/checkout etc. will all be okay 🙂 . . .”



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