• I’ve tooled around with the WRITE>PAGE function…but it just creates a page that accesses all of the same CSS info that my blog uses…How can I create a page within WP but have it look different and reside elsewhere on my site? Is there a tutorial for that? And how do I get rid of the “comments” field that appears on that page when I create it…



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  • I don’t know about the “reside elsewhere” part, but for setting up a different look:


    You can’t really create a page that resides somewhere else on your site because the page doesn’t actually exist as a file on your server, just as an entry in your database. You can make it look different from the rest of your pages though, simply by making a new template that doesn’t call the header.php file from your WordPress but has its own header information and stuff like that. And then when you create a page, you can select this new template and the page will use it instead of the default.

    If you’re using the default theme, I’m not sure what comments field you’re talking about. IIRC, the default theme’s page template doesn’t have a comments field in it. Try opening the page.php and removing any line(s) that look like <?php comments_template(); ?>.

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