• Does anybody know if it’s possible to change the […] in the rss widget’s summary, into a ‘Read More’ link? I’ve used this snippet

    function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    		return 15;
    	add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'custom_excerpt_length', 999 );

    to change my excerpt, so I was hoping I could get the same effect in the rss summary. Thanks in advance for any input

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  • //change excerpt ending (usualy 3 dots)
    function new_excerpt_more( $more ) {
    	return 'Read More';
    add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
    Thread Starter kevmatic34


    This works for the excerpt but is not changing the ” […] ” in the rss summary. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter kevmatic34


    Btw, this is the code I’m using for the excerpt “Read More”…

    //Let's Edit the "Read More" Link
     // Puts link in excerpts more tag
    	function new_excerpt_more($more) {
    		   global $post;
    		return '<p class="readMore"><a class="moretag" href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '"> Read the full article...</a></p>';
    	add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');

    Where is the file that I need to edit to hack the wordpress rss feeds widget?

    I want to shorten the summary length. The default is 225 characters or 40 words and I want to shorten it to 150 characters or 27 words.

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