• Hey all,

    I’ve installed a plugin which enables to post articles not using the default wp-admin area, but using in a regular page from the website (like article directories).

    i’m having a problem with the visual editor, which the link button doesnt work with it.

    so, i want to use the FCKedtior instead, to see if it works.

    how do i find the code in order to load it to the relevant place?

    i’m not a programmer, however i found the code which responsible to load the editor into the author interface, it looks like that:

    		require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/post.php');
    		function richedit() { return true; }
    		add_filter('user_can_richedit', 'richedit');
    		wp_tiny_mce( false, array( 'height' => '370' ) );
    		if ($options['default_editor'] == 'html') {
    			add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "html";') );
    		} else {
    			add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "html";') );
    		the_editor($_POST['post'], 'post' , '', false);
    	} else {
    		echo '<style type="text/css">#quicktags {display:none}</style>';
    		the_editor($_POST['post'], 'post' , '', false);

    any help will be greatly appreciated!


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