• Hello,

    I’ve set up my website so that my front page is static, and that my blog posts appear on a separate Page named “Blog”.

    I want my categories, archives, blogroll, and tag cloud to show up only on the “Blog” page and on every individual blog post.

    All of the conditional logic strings I’ve entered in work on the individual posts, but not on the “Blog” page:

    is_page('84') || is_single()
    (is_single() && is_page('84'))
    is_single() && is_page('84')
    ( is_single() && is_page('84') )
    is_page('84') && is_single()
    is_page('84')|| is_single()
    is_page('Blog') && is_single()
    is_single() && is_page(84)

    What string of code should I use instead?

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