• Brice Emry


    I use some functions in another site, but when I want to use the theme Customizr, nothing works. I’m not a coder doncn I can write anything, I’m a beginner.
    I would use these functions:

    add_action ('pre_ping »,« mes_pings');
    define ('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 2);
    fonction edit_admin_bar () {
        $ wp_admin_bar mondiale;
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu («wp-logo»); / / Logo
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu («à propos»); / / A propos de WordPress
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu ('wporg'); / / WordPress.org
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu («documentation»); / / Documentation
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu (support-forums "); / / Forum de support
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu («feedback»); / / Remarque
        $ Wp_admin_bar-> remove_menu («vue du site»); / / Aller voir le site de
    add_action ('wp_before_admin_bar_render »,« edit_admin_bar');
    add_filter ('login_errors », create_function (' $ a '," retour "Not so fast guess guy! Give The Good info!"; "));
    fonction remove_footer_admin () {
    echo "Welcome | The est site";
    fonction change_footer_version () {
        $ Current_theme_info current_theme_info = ();
        return $ current_theme_info-> nom. »- Version '. $ Current_theme_info-> Version;
    add_filter ('sanitize_file_name »,« remove_accents');
    add_filter ('update_footer »,« change_footer_version', 999);
    add_filter ('admin_footer_text »,« remove_footer_admin');
    add_filter ('wp_mail_from »,« new_mail_from');
    add_filter ('wp_mail_from_name »,« new_mail_from_name');
    fonction new_mail_from ($ old) {
    retourner 'myemail@mail.com';
    fonction new_mail_from_name ($ old) {
    retourner 'MySite';
    / / Display the admin bar only for administrators
    if (! current_user_can ('manage_options')) {
    add_filter ('show_admin_bar »,« __return_false');
    fonction next_posts_link_nofollow ($ content) {
    retourner 'rel = "nofollow"';
    add_filter ('previous_posts_link_attributes »,« next_posts_link_nofollow');
    add_filter ('next_posts_link_attributes »,« next_posts_link_nofollow');
    add_action ('get_header »,« gkp_html_minify_start');
    fonction gkp_html_minify_start () {
        ob_start ('gkp_html_minyfy_finish');
    add_action ('wp', 'baw_non_duplicate_content');
    fonction baw_non_duplicate_content ($ wp)

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    Can you change it for me to work with the theme Customizr?
    Thank you and thank you already for the theme.

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