• We upgraded to 2.6 and our feeds are not showing up in google reader or

    Here is the blog.


    The feed validates and can be viewed directly, but certain user agents appear to be blocked for some reason. Using wget and setting the user-agent, I can access with some user-agents, but not with others.

    Here is a log entry for Feedfetcher-Google

    xx.xx.xx.xx - - [14/Oct/2008:09:59:21 -0400] "GET /blog/?feed=rss2 HTTP/1.1" 200 20 pro-football-reference.com "-" "Feedfetcher-Google; (+http://www.google.com/feedfetcher.html; 39 subscribers; feed-id=)" "-"
    xx.xx.xx.xx - - [14/Oct/2008:10:46:12 -0400] "GET /blog/?feed=rss2 HTTP/1.1" 200 109832 pro-football-reference.com "-" "" "-"
    xx.xx.xx.xx - - [14/Oct/2008:10:32:07 -0400] "GET /blog/?feed=rss2 HTTP/1.1" 200 31635 pro-football-reference.com "-" "NetNewsWire/3.1.1 (Mac OS X; http://www.newsgator.com/Individuals/NetNewsWire/)" "-"

    NetNewsWire and the blank user agent appear to have no issues. I’ve been able to recreate this using wget.

    Any ideas?
    As you can see the response is only 20 bytes long.

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