• First I just discovered some people
    are downloading something.
    I never did. I just use the blog
    on the internet with my browser.
    Who downloads what, to do what?
    No wonder I don’t find php files
    or a way to get into them on my
    blog. (Why not?)

    2. There is a kind of help that
    can be called FUNCTIONAL help.
    Where the helper puts themselves
    in the mind of a novice user
    with basic goals of writing a
    blog and maybe putting up some
    documents and pictures.
    And then thinking of each basic
    thing such a person might want
    to DO, giving them instructions
    or the ways to do those things
    one by one.
    And if there is time or resources
    trying the explanations out on
    beginners to see what is difficult
    to understand.

    No one around WordPress seems to
    have ever gotten even vaguely in
    touch with such a process.
    They are so fascinated by the
    technology they have created that
    they think it, and its rules and
    whatever are the dream of every
    user. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
    Some of us just want to BLOG and
    be able to know what to do.
    By now the separation between
    Wordpress and the ordinary user
    is so great that it will take an
    expert and a writer of ordinary
    English – both with the imagination
    to put themselves in the place of a
    novice – some months of work to
    produce an ordinary instruction
    booklet. But if WordPress is to be
    used by so many people, then it
    needs to be done.
    Right now the documentation is all
    backwards. It starts with the machinery
    not with the user.
    And it spends its time with words
    the user does not know, explaining
    one term by another strange one.

    Please – some people at WordPress
    or close – make this a serious

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  • “First I just discovered some people are downloading something.
    I never did… There is a kind of help that can be called FUNCTIONAL help…No one around WordPress seems to have ever gotten even vaguely in touch with such a process. They are so fascinated by the technology they have created that they think it, and its rules and whatever are the dream of every user. ”

    Thanks! I needed a good laugh to go with my coffee this morning!

    1) take a deep breath…

    2) identify your surroundings… are you in the right place? Are you hosted with someone who did all the work for you, and should you be asking them for assistance?

    3) Recognize how important it is to be self reliant and gather information through research and reading. You don’t start a new book by reading the last chapter.

    4) Begin by asking open ended questions based on the new knowledge you acquire, and then work your way up to “closed” or direct lines of inquiry with pointed, specific questions about what you need to know, or are trying to accomplish.

    I wish you great success.

    If all you want to do is blog, create a site at wordpress.com, or a myriad of other sites out there. If all the WordPress documentation seems “backward” as you say, you probably do not have the intelligence level to work with WordPress, not that you couldn’t get there by reading and working to understand html, css and PHP.

    Bottom line WordPress is an awesome FREE product, with a great user support community for those who want to learn.

    Best of luck…..

    I hear you fado. I disagree, but I understand why you see things this way.

    UnixGolf has a good point. If you just want to blog and not have to deal with managing the files etc. then join wordpress.com and let them deal with it. For US$10/yr you can use your own domain name for your blog.

    Let us know what you decide to do.
    If you want to manage your own installation, it sounds like you’re going to need the help of your host to lock out these other people…

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