• SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    Hey there! Isn’t wordpress awesome?! Lovin’ it. A custom theme and template made for the site (but not by me). All has been working well for three months.

    Just learned how to make a password-protected post with a download. (So, you have to put in a password just to read the post. I’d prefer to have a pass-word protected download. It would be ideal that anyone could read the post, but they would need a password to download the file. But I’m easy! A password-protected post is just fine.

    When I preview the post, though, the box where you type the password in is too close to the box where you hit “submit.” The boxes are actually almost on top of each other. Doesn’t look great.

    So, to fix this I think have to go into the code. But I don’t know which part I should dive into. Or what I would change.

    Any suggestions?

    Maybe there’s a widget for this?

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  • it will help if you could link directly to the poassword protected post.

    for positioning elements, changes to style.css are usually sufficent.

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    Thanks for the response! What am I looking for in the style.css file?

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    I just figured out your first sentence. Here’s what it looks like:


    some styles such as:

    .entry form p input { min-height:30px; margin-top:10px; width:210px;}
    .entry form p label input { min-height:25px; margin-top:10px; width:200px;}

    added to the end of style.css might help.

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    Thanks, lemme look into it right now! I have an auto RSS google feedburner. And I don’t want a bunch of folks (well, about 20 or so) looking at a weird post.

    Actually, I can unpublish it right now and work under a little less pressure!

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    Hey-hey! It worked. Thanks a bunch for your help! I went ahead and changed the date of the post so it wouldn’t show up on the front page.

    But I noticed another minor little thing as I did this: there used to be words that would show up at the bottom of the post lists that could direct you to other pages of the posts in chrono order.

    On safari, I see question marks where the words used to be. But the links still work. On a PC with firefox, one can see vertical bars and the links work.

    (The fix you suggested didn’t affect this. I dropped the new code in and out of the style.css area and saw no change.)

    Hmmm… any ideas on how to fix this other little thing the code?

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    these links seem to have an old url for the images:

    from the html code in the browser:

    <div id="bottom_nav"><span class="prev_nav"><a href="http://thunderclapcg.com/page/3/"><img src="http://themetest.com/wp-content/themes/Thunderclap/images/older.jpg"></a></span> <span class="next_nav"><a href="http://thunderclapcg.com/"><img src="http://themetest.com/wp-content/themes/Thunderclap/images/newer.jpg"></a></span></div>

    the code might be direct in index.php;
    just look for the <div id="bottom_nav"> and see if you can identify the image url.

    or post the code within this div here for someone to have a look at.

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    OK, I found the code you’re suggesting (in the index.php). Here it is:

    <div id="bottom_nav"><span class="prev_nav"><?php next_posts_link('<img src="http://themetest.com/wp-content/themes/Thunderclap/images/older.jpg" />') ?></span> <span class="next_nav"><?php previous_posts_link('<img src="http://themetest.com/wp-content/themes/Thunderclap/images/newer.jpg" />') ?></span></div>

    It looks like what you grabbed from the browser. So, I guess this means it’s trying to grab an image from some place on the web (“themetest,” etc.) and not seeing anything there?

    If this is right, I need to find the place – the “new” url – where those words went, I guess?

    try change this code to:

    <div id="bottom_nav"><span class="prev_nav"><?php next_posts_link('<img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/older.jpg" />') ?></span> <span class="next_nav"><?php previous_posts_link('<img src="'.get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/newer.jpg" />') ?></span></div>


    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    That did it! Man, this is awesome! Thanks so much for your help. In safari, it looks great.

    In firefox, on a mac, there’s a rule-line box around the graphic. It looks the same on firefox and in explorer when on a PC.

    I don’t remember if it was like that three months ago. I’ve had a similar kind of experience in adding graphics to posts. A jpeg sometimes looks different than a png file. I’m using safari, though, when I do all this. And I’d heard that safari is a little wonky.

    Is my experience in the above graph related to the rule-line thing?

    this is a browser dependant default style for image links –
    to get rid of it, add this:

    a img {border:none;}

    somewhere to style.css (there are a few link styles near the beginning, just after would be a good place)

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    Got it. I put it up towards the top…

    /* Header */
    h1#header, h2#header {
    	background: #CFB383;
    	margin: 0;
    	height: 134px;
    	text-indent: -1234em;
    	position: relative;
    	z-index: 1001;
    	background: url(images/header.jpg) 0 no-repeat;
    a img {border:none;}
    /* You can change the dimensions of this if you use a logo instead of text for the title */
    #header a {
    	position: absolute;
    	left: 25px;
    	top: 10px;
    	height: 100px;
    	width: 600px;
    	text-decoration: none;
    /* Content */

    This fixed it on firefox mac, but not on the PC. Should I try putting the code in different places on the page? Up front more?

    you may need to refresh the page in the browser (‘reload’ button) or use ‘ctrl f5’ to clear the browser cache, to make the new styles effective.

    Thread Starter SteveCongdon@thunderclapcg.com


    It worked! On both PC browsers.

    Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Having never used the wordpress support area, I am blown away with the results.

    WordPress and the community has been an empowering experience for me. Great example of social media can mean! Thanks again, Alchymyth!

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