• Resolved marina


    How does change font size at all page of HP.
    Now, font size is 16px.I want to change 14px.
    I got change it of [style.css]
    body {
    margin: 0;
    background-color: #e3ecf2;
    color: #555555;
    font-family: Georgia, Cambria, “Bitstream Charter”, serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-size: 1.4rem;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.4;

    But font size of HP is not change
    I can’t understand it. Tell me how to change.


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  • Thread Starter marina


    OK I got change.

    I have one more question.
    As for headline Categories in Top page.
    I select headlines Posts 3.

    but, it is not displayed at new arrival.

    Please tell me how to use.



    You should not make CSS changes in the theme files. Either create a child theme (https://github.com/jayj/Cakifo/wiki/Child-themes) or use Jetpack’s Custom CSS feature.

    This CSS should work for the body text:

    body {
       font-size: 14px;

    Question 2:
    Posts will not be displayed in the ‘headlines’ section if they are in the ‘Recent Posts’ section. Is that the case? It is possible to change. For more help a link to your site would be nice.

    Hope that helps you. If not, feel free to write again. If you have any questions beside these, I recommend you sign-up for support on Theme Hybrid where you will find the Cakifo support forum.

    – Jesper

    Thread Starter marina



    Thank you for your response.
    I am not good English.sorry. I’m japanese.

    my HP site

    For Question2,
    Please look at my site.
    It is below the “Recent Posts”

    Three posts is displayed in the category.

    But actually, Recent posts is below.

    What brought this on?”
    Why is the latest article not displayed?

    I think sign-up for support on Theme Hybrid,but I can’t understand English.I hesitate.

    I’ll be waiting for your response.

    Hello again,

    Question 1:
    I see you have the Jetpack plugin activated. Try activating the Custom CSS module and copy the CSS I wrote into Appearance > Custom CSS.

    Question 2:

    The posts are missing from the boxes because they are displayed in the ‘Recent Posts’ row.

    You can change that by creating a child theme (see link above) and adding this to the child theme functions.php (it’s untested but should work):

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_child_setup', 11 );
    function my_child_setup() {
    	/* Get the parent theme prefix. */
    	$prefix = hybrid_get_prefix();
    	/* Show all posts in the headline boxes. */
    	add_action( "{$prefix}_open_headlines", 'my_cakifo_child_show_all_posts' );
    	/* Other Actions and filters calls go here. */
    function my_cakifo_child_show_all_posts() {
    	$GLOBALS['cakifo_do_not_duplicate'] = array();
    Thread Starter marina


    Dear Jesper

    >The posts are missing from the boxes because they are displayed in the ‘Recent Posts’ >row.
    OK, I see!
    and Thank you so much!!

    I did as you taught me.
    I made child theme.
    I can changed.The problem was solved.

    I appreciate.

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