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  • Hi, the first problem I see is that your theme loads its own jQuery library from /wp-content/themes/emmanuelTheme/scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js which is a much older one than the version 1.10 that is loaded by WordPress itself later.

    But before solving this, you need to:
    1. Enable the Inline Content option on Settings > Media and then
    2. Use class “fancybox-inline” instead of “fancybox” for the STAFF link.

    Thread Starter mark110384


    Thanks for the reply, the Inline Content on settings was set to images and inline, I have also replaced the class “fancybox” with “fancybox-inline” to no avail; it reloads the page with the object that is being targeted in the URL.

    I am using jquery-1.3.2 for some additional functionality that is not supported by 1.10; however I am using no-conflict so that I can run both versions.


    For class=”fancybox-inline” to work, you need to activate the option “Inline Content” (right under FancyBox) on your Settings > Media admin page.

    Thread Starter mark110384


    The option is checked: Enable FancyBox for: Images & Inline content, but it still is not functioning.

    O wait, now I see you are still using version in which there is no separate option for inline content yet. Any reason for not upgrading?

    Thread Starter mark110384


    I upgraded a couple of weeks back an experienced some problems with it, I had to roll back to a previous version. I will have a look at updating with a will let you know how it works out.

    Thread Starter mark110384


    Hi, I have updated to the latest version but it is no longer working at all, please see I have checked on images and the inline option in settings. Do you have any idea as to why it will stop functioning? Thanks

    I do not think you can run two versions of jQuery together like that.

    In any case, if you want to stick with version it’s not a problem, just go back to using class=”fancybox” again…

    But to go back to the original issue: it’s hard to debug. There is one Uncaught Exception occurring but it does not seem related to this particular issue. What I do notice is that your page source code ends like

    </html>			</div><!-- #content -->
    		</div><!-- #container -->
    	</div><!-- #pageWrapper -->

    which is not valid… I think these closing div tags need to go before the wo_footer() call. Could you fix that?

    Ok, now I see inside there is a third jQuery version 1.4.2 embedded. This is the one causing issues I suspect.

    Thread Starter mark110384


    Hi, It seems as though

    <div id=”myform” width=”100px” height=”100px”>Content</div>

    is removed from and replaced with

    <div class=”fancybox-inline-tmp” style=”display: none;”></div>

    and it cannot find the content to wrap?

    Thread Starter mark110384


    Hi, I wrote a hack that determined when the staff button is hit to change the html contained within div.fancybox-hidden to the table and it seems to work fine now.

    Hmmm… still I cannot explain why that content would disappear.

    You might try replacing width="100px" height="100px" (invalid, no px allowed there in fact width and height are not even valid attributes in HTML5) with style="width:300px;height:100px" and see if that changes anything. But I would bet on that hidden/integrated jQuery 1.4.2 being the source of it all.

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