• Resolved Frank.s


    All I need in addition to the free version is the ability to book time slots during the day, e.g. in 1 hour slots. This would then show partial availability for that day.

    But having this extra feature cost US$175 is ludicrous. This has to be the most expensive plugin I’ve come across. I’ve bought much larger plugins for 20-30 off CodeCanyon.


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  • Plugin Author wpdevelop


    The Business Small, version beside the possibility to book for the specific time, have the many other features, which you can check at the feature list or at the versions overview section at the FAQ page of plugin site. Beside that, this is the one time cost of the version in comparison to the other bookings tools, which is usually used the annual fees.
    But, still thank you for your comment, it’s important for us. We will check if we can change it at the future.
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Frank.s


    Hi there and thanks for your response. Personally I feel that this feature should be free as it is in other booking plugins, and perhaps also the ability to design our own form. The problem I’m having with other plugins is that the CSS clashes a lot with my theme. The same thing happens with your plugin, but to a lesser extent (I’d be able to fix the design).

    Do you think that if you priced the plugin more reasonably that you’d get hundreds more purchases, therefore making up the difference?

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