• When I post I would like to put some text in between NGG thumbs, which are set large enough to view without expanding. This allows me to have a photo narrative without the expansion working, in case a user can’t access the expanded photo.

    When I post images individually like that, I lose the navigation between images in a post, the only way to have that is to post the thumbs as a gallery and then they can navigate, but they have to read first and view images later, or vice-versa, no commingling.

    In my NGG there is a gallery called “singlepics”, which is just for posts with a single image or separated images. Otherwise I make a new gallery for each post or page so that I can have the navigation.

    Would it be possible to add functionality whereby “strings” could be run so that I could do this…

    text block


    text block


    text block


    …and have navigation between the images once one is expanded?

    This would be useful for technical articles, where unremitting blocks of text could be broken up by images, but the images could also be navigated separately so that a series of steps could be repeated and gone back through for understanding.

    One thought is that one could use this as a bulk feature, check boxes on photos to string, invoke string feature from bulk menu, then add those photos to to the post with a string qualifier. Or perhaps just adding a string qualifier when posting and having the program handle within that post or page.

    If stringing were possible, it would eliminate having to make separate galleries for each post, one could keep all photos in one gallery if one wanted.

    Please excuse likely misuse of programming terms, I am illiterate in those, just using words that make sense to me.

    Thank you for continuing to support NGG.


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