• I needed a streamlined twitter feed that fit with my minimal theme, [ link redacted, please do not post links in the reviews section ]. many of the other tweet plugins use the built-in twitter app which is chunky. or worse yet, the minimal ‘twitter widget pro’ doesn’t update unless you go in there and flush it which makes it pretty useless.

    This one (like twitter widget pro) you have to make your own app in the dev.twitter section which is a little more complex but that being said it styles just right when you put it into your theme’s widget area. also it sets up seamlessly unlike TWP which won’t take your codes until the nth time.

    I only wish there was an option to make the tweet intents graphics in-line with the text (or to make the icons also text instead) for something even more space saving. Now the icons are too prominent and take up a lot of space.

    one note: if you are using a caching plugin like quickcache, make sure to set it at a time interval you are comfortable with. For instance, if your cache is reset every 4 days, your tweets also won’t update for 4 days. I ended up setting my quickcache for 3 hours without too much speed drop.

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