• Hi all,

    I have my WordPress blog up and running using Drunkey Love 1.6 by Kevin Wetzels, I’ve set up some new link categories and renamed the ‘Blogrole’ category in the Dashboard but all links still appear under the ‘blogrole’ heading in the sidebar with none of the new link categories showing up? I’ve tried to figure out why this is from the ‘sidebar.php’ file but haven’t had any success modifying it so far (my coding knowledge is just above that of a 1 year old baby!)

    The section of code (I think) is:

    $blogrollLinks = get_links(-1, ‘

    • ‘, ‘
    • ‘, ”, FALSE, ‘name’, FALSE, FALSE, -1, FALSE, FALSE);
      if ($blogrollLinks != null) :
      <div id=”blogroll”>
      <h2><?php _e(‘Blogroll’,’drunkey-love’); ?></h2>
      <div class=”unfold”>
      <ul class=”linklist”>
      <?php get_links(-1, ‘

    • ‘, ‘
    • ‘, ”, FALSE, ‘name’, FALSE); ?>


      Can anyone point me in the right direction to have my new link categories show up, as I’ve read through the Sidebar & Tags help files but still can’t figure it out?



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